Events & News

VNR Suggestion Paper Handed Over to National Planning Commission

June 10, 2024   |   Admin

SDGs National Network Nepal handed over the Collective Suggestion Paper of Civil Society Major Groups and Stakeholders to the Joint Secretary of National Planning Commission on 9 June 2024. This paper was prepared by Civil Society Major Groups and Stakeholders including Children, Youth, Women, PWDs, Works & Trade Unions, Farmers, Indigenous Nationalities, Dalits, Senior Citizens […]

VNR 2024-National Level Discussion on progress of the SDGs

June 10, 2024   |   Admin

In the context of Voluntary National Review (VNR2024) of the progress of the SDGs, National Network Nepal organized the National Level Discussion Program of Major Groups and Stakeholders on Progress of the SDGs and Summit of the Future on 30 May 2024 in Kathmandu. Focal organizations of Children, Youth, Women, Persons with Disabilities, Workers & […]

Launching of Nepal Civil Society Spotlight Report of the SDGs

February 29, 2024   |   Admin

SDGs National Network Nepal launched the Civil Society Spotlight Report 2023 on the Voluntary Mid-Term Review of the SDGs in Nepal on 07 February 2024 in Kathmandu, which was prepared by it through active participation of the civil society major groups and key stakeholders. Report is able to recommend concrete actions to expedite the SDGs’ […]

Meeting with National Planning Commission

August 7, 2023   |   Admin

3 August 2023, SDGs National Network Nepal National Coordination team met with Vice-Chair Hon. Dr. Min Bahadur Shrestha and high-level officers of National Planning Commission at their office in Singhdarbar. During the meeting the delegates shared about the works of SDGs National Network Nepal and later they presented the points of suggestions regarding the implementation […]

Meeting with UN Resident Coordinator of Nepal

June 22, 2023   |   Admin

SDGs National Network Nepal delegates met with UN Residential Coordinator Ms. Hanna Singer-Hamdy at her office on 20 June 2023. During the meeting the delegates introduced the historical background, objectives, governance structure and major works of the network. Basically, they briefed about the Nepal Peoples Forums and monitoring of the progress of the SDGs in […]